Chris and Katie's wedding took place on a surprisingly beautiful afternoon in Chehalis, Washington early last month. Chris is my husband's cousin and as soon as I learned that he was engaged, I secretly started refreshing my inbox every 10 minutes until I finally got a message from Chris' mom, Linda, asking if I might be available to shoot their wedding. I tried to play it cool and be professional about it (ha!) but, of course, I JUMPED at the chance to do a wedding for two very special individuals who also happen to be family.
When I saw they were getting married at the stunning Red Barn Studios, my jaw dropped. I instantly fell in love with the renovated old barn, perfect lighting situations, and rolling countryside. The ceremony was held at the equally gorgeous Chehalis United Methodist Church with a serenely beautiful stain glass window which Katie and Chris specifically requested some photos in front of.
Unbeatable locations aside, this wedding really was about two exceptional humans that miraculously found each other. For 10 years, I have known Chris to be the cousin out doing good in the world - literally. Peace Corps, med school in Israel, time in name it...I heard that he speaks like 81 languages or something too (okay, I exaggerate). Some might consider him...The Most Interesting Man in the World. The part I have always found the most interesting about Chris, is his ridiculously soft spoken kindness, genuine nature, and humility. He is one of those people that you meet and instantly realize, "wow, this is an honest-to-goodness sweet person."
Enter Katie. I learned at the wedding that Katie is equally amazing, kind-hearted, good-natured, and adventure-spirited. (<---new adjective) I also quickly picked up on the fact that she is HILARIOUS (a trait I'm particularly fond of.) I seriously have been laughing all month about the story her sister told during the toasts...Katie helped her sister move into a new house. During the night, Katie stayed up to hang picture frames all over...all with photos of Tom Sellick in them. I can't get over how funny that is to me.
Katie and Chris - thank you a million times over for allowing me to be a part of your wedding day. It was a true privilege to capture your love and begin the next part of your story with you.
Below are some of my favorites and here is the entire gallery:
Reception Venue: Red Barn Studios
Ceremony Venue: Chehalis United Methodist Church
Catering: Occasions Catering
Cake: Brown-Eyed Girl Cakes