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Alli Senior Rep - Eugene, Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - Sheldon High School

One day, I will get into a regular rhythm of blogging...I really do want to gush about how amazing my clients are and how awesome their photo shoots turn out, alas...there is this little thing called time that I just can't seem to get enough of! So, you'll have to endure my blogging randomness :)

Beautiful Alli - her mom purchased my senior portrait package via the Sheldon High School Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraising Auction last fall and it was absolutely perfect timing to utilize it. This summer has brought us gorgeous weather, beautiful lighting, and warm sunsets...Photographer's dream!

I had so much fun with Alli! She said she was nervous when she first arrived, but I'm pretty sure my cheesy humor made her feel more comfortable (right?). She just could NOT take a bad picture! Every.Single.ONE was more gorgeous than the last! Alli, thank you so much for letting me be this small part of your senior year experience!

© 2018 by KelseaJoannPhotography

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