The beautiful Stiner family had a long road ahead of them before they finally got in front of my lens. First, we had the shoot scheduled for the spring...then, after a few failed attempts due to weather, Kari and I just decided to do the session in the summer. Enter Oregon. We scheduled and scheduled and scheduled...the day would arrive and would literally be the only day within a week with clouds looming in the sky. One Friday, Kari and I were literally messaging every 20 minutes..."Do you think the clouds will break?" They didn't...
I'm sure many of you are familiar with this effort. If you're going to go to the expense, time and hassle of corralling your kids for professional portraits, you want some golden, Oregon photos!
The wait and effort finally paid off last month when I met this gorgeous family on their perfect property for this shoot. I say "gorgeous family" because, as you will see, they are all ridiculously good-looking...especially little Jonah who has stolen my heart from the first moment I saw him years ago bundled up in his carseat carrier while his mom was working hard on the elliptical.
It was so fun and easy to get great pics of all of them, but it was especially helpful to discover that Jerron (who is the sweetest, most kind and gentle older brother to Jonah you could ever imagine) has a photographic eye and was able to come up with artistic and creative shots to do. It was such a privilege to capture these images for the Stiners...especially since they only do this, what did you say, Kari? Every four years...? Overall, this shoot was definitely worth the wait. :) Here are some of my favorites.